How to eliminate BPPV vertigo in as little as 3 minutes
and keep it from coming back

(Without going in to the doctor’s office)

Keep Reading If You're Experiencing:

  • Short Attacks of Dizziness
  • ​Feeling of Intense Spinning
  • ​Nausea from Dizziness Episodes
  • ​Fear of Vertigo Attacks
  • Vertigo/Dizziness Getting In and Out of Bed
  • ​Dizziness Rolling Over in Bed 
  • ​Vertigo Attacks Triggered by Bending Over or Looking Up

  Make Sure Your Sound Is Turned ON! 

How Can This Help With Your Vertigo...

  • No longer fear future vertigo attacks that can come on out of nowhere 
  • ​Safely get out of bed without falling and hitting your head
  • ​Eliminate vertigo for good so you don’t need to do the maneuver in the middle of the night
  • ​Stop the world from spinning quickly, plus proven ways to keep it from coming back
  • Freedom of movement, so you can work, take care of your family, and exercise again safely
  • ​Save hundreds from doctor visits and dizzy medication that doesn't fix the problem
  • ​Avoid spending days feeling awful waiting for the doctors appointment

Your Guide To Curing BPPV Vertigo

Our Guide To Curing BPPV Vertigo Provides a Detailed Outline With Everything You Need to Know

Vertigo Cure Maneuver Instructions

We provide 14 detailed written and visual instructions to help you go through various maneuvers to stop the spinning for good. We include variations if you have a hard time kneeling down or bending over. It's important to perform the maneuver correctly to avoid injury and experience the best results.

Vertigo Cure Maneuver Instructions

We provide 14 detailed written and visual instructions to help you go through various maneuvers to stop the spinning for good. We include variations if you have a hard time kneeling down or bending over. It's important to perform the maneuver correctly to avoid injury and experience the best results.

Triggering Movements You MUST AVOID

Certain movements or head positions make you more susceptible to having vertigo again, and many people  don't realize it! Avoiding these positions, and making sure to ONLY follow the specific maneuvers will help to stop the vertigo attacks and reduce your chance of getting attacks in the future.

Encouragement & Motivation

We understand how difficult this situation may be, but we have found solid solutions to give you hope! We want you to overcome vertigo  and the fear of having an attack so you can get back to living your life to the fullest!

Triggering Movements You MUST AVOID

Certain movements or head positions make you more susceptible to having vertigo again, and many people don't realize it! Avoiding these positions, and making sure to ONLY follow the specific maneuvers will help to stop the vertigo attacks and reduce your chance of getting attacks in the future.

Encouragement & Motivation

We understand how difficult this situation may be, but we have found solid solutions to give you hope! We want you to overcome vertigo and the fear of having an attack so you can get back to living your life to the fullest!

Which Ear To Treat and Which Type of BPPV

Understanding which type of BPPV you have to know which maneuver to do. Learning which ear to treat. Training through a series of videos to know exactly what to do with the exact type of vertigo you are experiencing. Learning what to do when an attack happens, so you can stop the spinning without having to go to the ER. 

Which Ear To Treat and Which Type of BPPV

Understanding which type of BPPV you have to know which maneuver to do. Learning which ear to treat. Training through a series of videos to know exactly what to do with the exact type of vertigo you are experiencing. Learning what to do when an attack happens, so you can stop the spinning without having to go to the ER. 

Supplements That Reduce Attacks

Nutrition will play a critical role in the recovery process. What you put into your body is what you will get out of it. Certain supplements can actually help you to put an end to vertigo for good.

Important Additional Information

Anything and everything you need to know about curing your own vertigo from home is spelled out easily for you. Knowledge is power! The more you know, the less attacks you'll have in the future.

Supplements That Reduce Attacks

Nutrition will play a critical role in the recovery process. What you put into your body is what you will get out of it. Certain supplements can actually help you to put an end to vertigo for good.

Important Additional Information

Anything and everything you need to know about curing your own vertigo from home is spelled out easily for you. Knowledge is power! The more you know, the less attacks you'll have in the future.

Who Is This Program For?

  • Anyone that has ever dealt with episodes of dizziness, spinning and nausea from BPPV Vertigo
  • ​Anyone that has dealt with dizziness rolling over in bed or getting out of bed
  • ​Anyone that is looking for a fast and easy way to stop the spinning episodes from happening
  • ​Anyone that wants to cure their own BPPV Vertigo from home
  • ​Anyone who experiences vertigo that comes and goes over days, weeks or years
  • ​Anyone who wants a long-lasting solution for their vertigo

Cure Your Own BPPV Vertigo From Home In as little as 3 Minutes!

Who We Are...

Dr. AJ Ludlow

is a Doctor of Physical Therapy who is best known for his ability to help stubborn health conditions clear-up. Dr. Ludlow's wildly popular Youtube channel educates millions of vertigo sufferers. His patients most often describe AJ as “knowledgable, kind, really cares about his patients and their progression, an extremely passionate doctor that truly engages with each patient, a doctor that goes above and beyond.” He is an author and owns a private clinic that treats professional athletes, ultra-marathon runners, and everyone in between that wants to live a long healthy life, free of pain and health problems well into old age. 

Natalie Hodson

Dr. AJ Ludlow

is a Doctor of Physical Therapy who is best known for his ability to help stubborn health conditions clear-up. Dr. Ludlow's wildly popular Youtube channel educates millions of vertigo sufferers. His patients most often describe AJ as “knowledgable, kind, really cares about his patients and their progression, an extremely passionate doctor that truly engages with each patient, a doctor that goes above and beyond.” He is an author and owns a private clinic that treats professional athletes, ultra-marathon runners, and everyone in between that wants to live a long healthy life, free of pain and health problems well into old age. 

Why I Had to Develop This Program

Every day there are BPPV vertigo sufferers having spinning attacks and going to the ER or seeing doctors that don’t know how to help them.

Every day these good people deal with intense, debilitating and nauseating episodes of vertigo and even though it’s considered “benign” or not dangerous it literally feels like your world is being turned upside down.

This is a condition that millions of people suffer from, it’s quite common. But most don’t know what to do about it and so they seek help from their doctor. If they are lucky their doctor will treat them or it may take a few different health care providers or even multiple visits to a health care provider before their symptoms are cured.

Even worse, some people just feel like it’s going to be a part of their life from now on and deal with recurring episodes of vertigo for years. 
A recent study indicated that BPPV Vertigo can last from 6 weeks to years. 
In my training as a Doctor of Physical Therapy, I learned how to help people suffering from BPPV Vertigo. Every time I treated a patient it was like a miraculous healing had taken place. The symptoms disappear instantly!

The problem is that many vertigo sufferers have a hard time finding the right provider or they have such frequent recurrences that they don’t want to have to keep going back in and paying for yet another doctor visit.

So when I found a maneuver that can be easily performed at home that works as good or better than what I can do in the office, I knew I had to share it.

So I did.

I made a YouTube video demonstrating how to perform the maneuver and it BLEW UP!

Because vertigo sufferers need a solution so badly, millions of them searched for help online,  watched the video and they learned how to treat their own vertigo at home but I soon realized that more help and guidance was needed. 

Many people were too scared to do it, they had questions or difficulty performing the maneuver at home or didn’t know which side to do it on. Lots and lots of questions came up. 

Some performed the maneuver and their vertigo changed or got worse! Many were concerned about the vertigo coming back and didn’t know what to do to prevent future episodes. They simply needed more help than a few YouTube videos can provide.

So I researched and compiled the information vertigo sufferers wanted and needed to cure the condition and keep it from coming back. So I could answer every question they had and help them lead happy, vertigo-free lives.

And that is when the BPPV Vertigo Protocol was born!
Click Below To Get Started!

Check Out These Results!

Our 30-Day Money Back Guarantee!

If you are not satisfied with the BPPV Vertigo Protocol for any reason, we will refund your money!  

So, there's no risk at all whatsoever. 

What are you waiting for?

If you think there might be even a chance that this could prevent future BPPV Vertigo attacks, stop procrastinating and click the button below to get started on this journey together!

We are here to help you stop the attacks of dizziness and nausea from BPPV Vertigo!

We are with you!

-Dr. AJ Ludlow
BPPV Vertigo Protocol Subscription
  • Lifetime Updates: As new information, improved maneuvers and research surfaces, we will add additional resources to the program
  • ​Be the First to Know: Learn about new developments about BPPV Vertigo because you are in our network
  • Inexpensive Upfront Cost: Begin today and cure Vertigo for less
  • Cancel Anytime
BPPV Vertigo Protocol One-Time
  • Only Pay Once: No recurring fees
BPPV Vertigo Protocol
I am so thankful To Say We've been able to change The Lives Of millions of BPPV Vertigo Sufferers! 
Click Below To Get Started!

BPPV Vertigo Protocol FAQs

  • ​When I purchase the program, how will I access it? BPPV Vertigo Protocol is a digital product that you access through a Member's Only Area. When you purchase the program, you will be able to access the program from the Order Confirmation page. You'll also be sent an email with an access link to your BPPV Vertigo Protocol program. Once you login with your access link, you can begin watching the BPPV Vertigo Protocol videos.
  • If for any reason I don't like the program, how do I get a refund or cancel my subscription? Simply send an email to and we'll get you taken care of!
  • ​I'm afraid I couldn't do the exercise ​because I spin so much or I'm too nauseated, what can I do? Even though doing these maneuvers triggers vertigo, we cover ways to get through it.​ It's worth it to fix the problem so it doesn't come back.
  • Does this cure vertigo permanently? The maneuvers we teach in this program cure BPPV vertigo instantly, but vertigo episodes can return, so we teach you how to keep them from coming back.
  • What if I have a bad back, bad knees or can't get down on the ground? No need to worry, we teach several variations of the maneuvers so anyone can perform them easily.
  • Can I use the BPPV Vertigo Protocol even when I don’t have vertigo right now? Absolutely, you don't have to do the maneuvers during the spinning episode and this program teaches ways to prevent having future episodes. If you've had them in the past, but aren't having vertigo episodes right now, this program teaches you what to do to prevent them from happening and to be prepared if they come back.
  • Could doing the program make it worse? It is rare, but we teach you what to do if this happens. It could happen on your own even when not doing this program, which is why it is vital to have this program as a tool ready when and if it does worsen.
  • I'm not sure which ear the vertigo is coming from, can I still do this program? Definitely, we teach you how to tell which ear the vertigo is coming from, even what to do if you still can't tell.
  • Does this work for other kinds of vertigo? No, this only works for BPPV vertigo, which includes posterior canal vertigo,  horizontal canal vertigo, and anterior canal vertigo. You'll know if you have BPPV Vertigo if you have short episodes of feeling like you are spinning that last for less than a minute, even though you can feel uneasy afterward for much longer. These episodes only come on with changes in head position, like rolling over in bed, getting up or laying down, looking up or looking down, or when doing things like yoga. We go into great detail in the program to help you determine which type of vertigo you have. Normally short BPPV episodes can change sometimes, can get longer, more intense, feel more like scrolling up and down instead of spinning with different things happening, and we do cover that in the program.
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